In your life, you are challenged to make a positive difference in the lives of everyone you meet. We are all in the people business in one way or another, so try to make other people's lives a little better for having met you.

Seek ways to add value to others you meet. You should not have any ulterior motives for helping others, but rest assured you will gain when you do. What goes around, comes around.

You can multiply your impact if you inspire others to do the same, as this article is trying to do here. Let your efforts be an example to encourage more of the same. The effect could well exceed and outlast anything you could do on your own. Also you should like the idea that people could be gaining something from what you started, even while you sleep.

You are also encouraged to integrate helping others into your personal mission statement. A good book that cover this topic is "Dare to Win" by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson. A personal mission statement defines your ongoing purpose and should be worded in terms of how you contribute to the world and to others.

Finally, you are asked to do something today. Make a difference in the life of at least one person you meet today. Do not wait for tomorrow, for tomorrow may be too late!